
What about daily life in for instance an Asian or European country. Our friends and family are rather scattered around the world. And they are usually astute observers. Read below what they experience in their daily life. Of course these contributions are more or less “snap shot”, that is why they are tagged with a date.

British School


School Systems

Do you want to know the difference between the classical British school system and the school system that is common in most “advanced” European countries? We have asked an expert (age 12) who can compare the two systems by his own experience. And you will be surprised by his answer!

Published January 2016, available in GB  NL soon available D



The Raiffeisen General Assembly

Every year, the members of the Swiss Raiffeisen Banks rehire their bank management. That is, if they are satisfied with the results. Fortunately, they are almost always content with the results of “their bank”. But in the very rare case they are not, they simply can dismiss the management. If you want to know how this works, please read on.

Published May 2016, available in GB  NL  D

Verkeer Indonesie


Indonesian Traffic

Are you curious how it is like to be in the midst of the traffic in South-East Asia? Then, join our dear friends Respati and Arnold, who live with their daughter Magali outside Djakarta, Indonesia’s capital. As a mental traveller, you can step with Respati in their car, or jump on the buddy sit of Arnold’s motorbike. Enjoy the ride, and hold yourself tight!

Published September 2017, available in  NL soon available in GB  D